Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 256
Examples of Class III commodities include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Combustible fiberboard
Cork, baled
Feeds, bagged
Fertilizers, bagged
Food in plastic containers
Furniture: wood, natural fiber, upholstered, non-plastic
Wood or metal with plastic-padded and -covered arm
Glycol in combustible containers not exceeding 25
Lubricating or hydraulic fluid in metal cans
Mattresses, excluding foam rubber and foam plastics
Noncombustible liquids in plastic containers having a
capacity of more than 5 gallons (19 ℓ)
Paints, oil base, in metal cans
Paper, waste, baled
Paper and pulp, horizontal storage, or vertical storage
that is banded or protected with approved wrap
Paper in cardboard boxes
Pillows, excluding foam rubber and foam plastics
Plastic-coated paper food containers
Rags, baled
Rugs, without foam backing
Sugar, bagged
Wood, baled
Wood doors, frames and cabinets
Yarns of natural fiber and viscose
i.d. Class IV commodities are class I, II or III products containing
Group “A” plastics in ordinary corrugated cartons, and class
I, II and III products with group “A” plastic packaging with or
without pallets. Group “B” plastics and free-flowing Group
“A” plastics are also included in this class. Examples of Class
IV commodities include, but are not limited to, the following:
Alcoholic beverages, with more than 20-percent but less
than 80-percent alcohol, in cans, bottles, or cartons.
Clothing, synthetic or non-viscose
Combustible metal products (solid)
Furniture, plastic upholstered
Furniture, wood or metal with plastic covering and