Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 251
Volume of Material
in cubic meters (m 3 )
0 – 3
Method of Storage
Combustible Fiber Storage Bin*
with self-closing cover
Combustible fiber storage room
having 1-hr fire resistance barrier
Combustible fiber storage vault
having 2-hr fire resistance barrier
and approved opening
Combustible fiber storage vault
with approved opening and
protected by approved,
supervised sprinkler system
3.1 – 14
14.1 – 28
28 up (protected)
* Quantities of loose combustible fiber up to 3 cubic meters (3m 3 )
shall not be kept in any building unless stored in a metal or metal-
lined bin equipped with a self-closing cover.
b. Loose combustible fiber exceeding twenty eight cubic meters (28
m 3 ) but not more than seventy cubic meters (70 m 3 ) may be stored
in a "loose house" or detached structure with opening properly
protected against sparks and shall not be used for any other
3. Specific Requirements for Baled Combustible Fibers
a. A single block or pile shall contain a maximum of seven hundred
cubic meters (700 m 3 ) of baled fiber.
b. Each block or pile shall be separated from the adjacent storage by
an aisle measuring not less than one hundred fifty centimeters (150
cm) wide or by barriers consisting of continuous sheets of non-
combustible material extending from the floor to a height of at
least thirty centimeters (30cm) beyond the topside of the piles.
c. Fibers in bales bound with combustible tie ropes, as well as jute and
other fibers liable to swell when wet shall be stored to allow for
expansion in any direction and shall have one meter (1m)
clearance from walls to piles.
d. If the storage compartment is less than nine meters (9 m) in width,
there shall be a forty five centimeters (45 cm) clearance from walls
to piles and a center aisle of not less than one hundred fifty
centimeters (150 cm) width is maintained.