Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 250
c. Lights shall not be located directly above any cellulose nitrate
material or storage, unless the light fixture is provided with a
suitable guard to prevent heated particles from falling.
D. Fire Safety Clearance
A Fire Safety Clearance for the storage of cellulose nitrate or cellulose
nitrate plastic (pyroxylin) shall be obtained from City/Municipal Fire
Marshal having jurisdiction.
All combustible fibers shall be stored, handled and protected as follows:
A. On Storage and Handling
1. Common Requirements:
a. Combustible fibers shall not be stored in rooms or buildings with
hazardous gases, flammable liquids, dangerous chemicals or other
similar materials.
b. Trucks or automobiles shall not enter any fiber storage room or
building. They shall however be allowed to enter at loading
platforms. All forklifts, vehicles and equipment used within
combustible fibers storage areas shall be equipped with flash or
spark suppressors or arresters.
c. Smoking, open flame, and hotworks, shall not be permitted in any
area where combustible fibers are handled or stored. A “NO
SMOKING” sign shall be posted.
d. Agricultural products such as, but not limited to, straw and hay shall
not be stored adjacent to buildings of combustible materials unless
a clear distance equal to the height of the pile is maintained.
e. Storage shall be limited to stocks of one hundred (100) metric tons.
A fire resistive wall with a fire resistance rating of two (2) hours or a
clear space of six meters (6m) shall be maintained between stacks.
A one meter (1m) clearance shall be maintained between sprinkler
pipes in protected storage vaults and top of the piles.
2. Specific Requirements for Loose Combustible Fibers
a. Loose combustible fibers shall be stored as shown in the Table 14