Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 239

case shall stairwells in high rise buildings be allowed to be unprotected. SECTION FIRST-AID PROTECTION A. In addition to the other requirements of this Code, each floor shall be provided with at least thirty eight (38) to nineteen (19) millimeters lightweight flexible hose equipped with a spray nozzle and connected to the wet standpipe system or other water supply capable of providing nineteen (19) to thirty eight (38) liter per minute of water for a period of thirty minutes. B. Portable fire extinguisher installed in accordance with Section shall be provided. SECTION APPLICABILITY OF ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE This Section shall supplement all other applicable provisions of the Fire Code and this IRR. DIVISION 20. AERODROME FACILITIES SECTION GENERAL FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. The BFP shall conduct regular and periodic fire safety inspection on all Aerodrome facilities. B. No dispensing, transfer or storage of flammable or combustible liquids shall be permitted within aerodrome facilities, except as provided in Section of this IRR. C. Flammable and combustible liquid and fuel shall not be dispensed into or removed from the fuel system of an aircraft within any aircraft hangar, a container, tank, vehicle or aircraft except in locations approved by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. D. The application of flammable and combustible liquid finishes shall be done only in locations approved by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. E. No person shall clean any aircraft engines or parts of an aircraft in an aircraft hangar nor within fifteen meters (15 m) of another aircraft, building or hangar with any flammable liquid having a flash point under thirty seven and eight-tenths degree Celsius (37.80°C). F. In case of spills on Aerodrome Facilities, the following shall be observed: 1. All activities in the affected area not related to the mitigation of the spill shall cease until the spilled material has been removed or the hazard has been mitigated. 223