Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 22
Class IIIA Liquid. Any liquid that has a flash point at or above sixty degrees
Celsius (60°C), but below ninety three degrees Celsius (93°C).
Class IIIB Liquid. Any liquid that has a flash point at or above ninety three
degrees Celsius (93°C).
Combustible Waste.
Also known as loose waste material, are those
generated by an establishment or process and, being salvageable, are
retained for scrap or reprocessing on the premises where generated. These
include, but not limited to, all combustible fibers, hay, straw, hair, feathers,
down, wood shavings, turnings, styropor, all types of plastics, all types of
paper products, soiled cloth trimmings and cuttings, rubber trimmings and
buffings, metal fines, used oil and any mixture of the above items, or any
other salvageable combustible waste material.
Community/Barangay Fire Brigade. A group of firefighters performing fire
suppression activities within a specified jurisdiction.
Compressed Gas. One that exists solely in the gaseous state under pressure in
the range of two hundred seventy three kilopascal (273 KPa) to twenty four
thousand nine hundred twenty three kilopascal (24,923 KPa) at all normal
atmospheric temperature ranging from twenty degrees Celsius (20°C) to
thirty seven and eight tenths degrees Celsius (37.8°C) inside its container.
Compressed Gas Container. A pressure container designed to hold
compressed gases at pressures greater than one atmosphere at twenty
degrees Celsius (20°C).
Compressed Gas Mixture. A mixture of two or more compressed gases
contained in a single packaging, the hazard properties of which are
represented by the properties of the mixture as a whole.
Compressed Gas System. An assembly of components, such as containers,
reactors, pumps, compressors and connecting piping and tubing, designed
to contain, distribute or transport compressed gases.
Container. Any vessel of less than two hundred twenty seven liters (227ℓ)
capacity used for transporting or storing liquids.
Corrosive Liquid. Any liquid which causes fire when in contact with organic
matter or with certain chemicals.
Crude Oil. Any naturally-occurring, unrefined petroleum liquid.
Cryogenic. Is descriptive of any material which, by its nature or as a result of
its reaction with other elements, produces a rapid drop in temperature of the
immediate surroundings.