Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 183
Exception No. 1:
Access to portable fire extinguishers shall be
permitted to be locked, provided that personnel are on duty on a 24-
hour basis and keys are readily available to unlock access to the
Exception No. 2: Portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be
located at staff locations only.
4. Standpipe and hose systems shall be provided in accordance with
Section āCā of this IRR as follows:
a. Class I standpipe systems shall be provided for any building over
two storeys in height.
b. Class III standpipe and hose systems shall be provided for all
nonsprinklered buildings over two storeys in height.
Exception No. 1: Separate Class I and Class II systems shall be
permitted in lieu of a Class III system.
E. Subdivision of Building Spaces
1. Every storey used for sleeping by residents, or any other storey with an
occupant load of fifty (50) or more persons, shall be subdivided into
compartments by means of smoke barrier.
2. The requirement for subdivision of building space shall be permitted as
a. By smoke compartments having exit to the public way, provided
that such exit serves only one area and has no opening to other
b. A building separated from the resident housing area by 2 ā hour fire
resistance rating or 14 meters of open area ; and
c. Secured open area holding a space located 15 meters from the
housing area that provides 1.4 m 2 or more of refuge area for each
F. Hazardous Areas
1. Any hazardous area shall be protected in accordance with Section The areas described in Table 13 shall be protected as