Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 167

mental or physical incapacity, maybe unable to provide for their own needs and safety without the assistance of another person. Nursing home, wherever used in this IRR, shall include nursing and convales- cent homes, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, and infirmaries of homes for the aged. 3. Residential-Custodial Care Facility A building, or part thereof, used for the lodging or boarding of four (4) or more persons who are incapable of self-preservation because of age, or physical or mental limitation. This includes facilities such as homes for the aged, nurseries (custodial care for children under six (6) years of age), and mentally retarded care institutions. Day care facilities that do not provide lodging or boarding for institutional occupants are not covered in this Division. B. Fundamental Requirements 1. All health care buildings shall be so designed, constructed, main- tained, and operated as to minimize the possibility of a fire emergency requiring the evacuation of occupants. Because the safety of occupants of health care buildings cannot be assured adequately by dependence on evacuation of the building, their protection from the fire shall be provided by appropriate arrangement of facilities, adequate staffing, and careful development of operating and maintenance procedure composed of the following: a. Proper design, construction, and compartmentation; b. Provisions for detection, alarm, and extinguishment; and c. Fire prevention and the planning, training, and drilling in programs for the isolation of fire and transfer of occupants to areas of refuge or evacuation of the building. 2. It is recognized that in buildings housing various types of psychiatric patients, it may be necessary to lock doors and bar windows to confine and protect building inhabitants. Sections of this Rule requiring the keeping of exits unlocked maybe waived by the Chief, BFP or his duly authorized representative. It is also recognized that some psychiatric patients are not capable of seeking safety without guidance. In buildings in which doors are locked or windows are barred, provisions shall be made for the removal of occupants by such reliable means as the remote control of locks or by keying all locks to keys carried by attendants. C. Emergency Rooms, Operating Rooms, Intensive Care Units, Delivery Rooms and Other Similar Facilities 151