Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 166

7. Hazardous Areas An area used for general storage, boiler or furnace rooms, fuel storage, janitor's closets, maintenance shops including woodworking and painting areas, laundries and kitchens shall be separated from other parts of the building with construction having not less than a one-hour fire resistance rating and all openings shall be protected with self-closing fire doors, or such area shall be provided with automatic fire suppression system. Where the hazard is high as determined by the Chief, BFP or his duly authorized representative, both the fire-resistive separation and automatic fire suppression systems shall be provided. D. Center Service Equipment 1. Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating, Cooking and other Service Equipment Airconditioning, ventilating, heating, cooking and other service equipment shall be in accordance with Division 7 of this Chapter. 2. Electrical Services a. Electrical wiring in new construction shall be installed in accor- dance with the provision of the Philippine Electrical Code. b. Receptacles and outlets services by extension cord type wiring are prohibited. Electrical appliances shall be grounded. c. Special protective receptacle covers shall be installed in all areas occupied by children in centers for children under five (5) years of age. DIVISION 10. HEALTH CARE OCCUPANCIES SECTION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Definitions 1. Hospitals A building or part thereof used for the medical, psychiatric, obstetrical or surgical care, on a 24-hour basis, of four (4) or more inpatients. Hospitals, wherever used in this Chapter, shall include general hospi- tals, mental hospitals, tuberculosis hospitals, children's hospitals, and any such facilities providing inpatient care. 2. Nursing Home A building or part thereof used for the lodging, boarding and nursing care, on a 24-hour basis, of four (4) more persons who, because of 150