Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 157
bounded by an obstruction to egress which at any time enclose more
than eighty (80%) percent of the perimeter of the space or area.
Openings of less than two (2) meters high shall not be considered in
computing the unobstructed perimeter.
6. Interior Room – a room whose only means of egress is through an
adjoining or intervening room which is not an exit.
7. Separate Means of Egress – a means of egress separated in such a
manner from other means of egress as to provide an atmosphere
separation which preclude contamination of both means of egress by
the same fire. (See Section of this IRR).
B. Area Limitations and Separations
1. Flexible plan and open plan buildings shall not exceed two thousand
seven hundred eighty seven square meters (2,787 m 2 ) in undivided
area. A solid wall or smoke partition (Section of this IRR) shall
be provided at maximum intervals of ninety one (91) meters and
openings in such walls or partition shall comply with Section of
this IRR.
2. Vertical openings shall be enclosed as required by Section of
this IRR.
3. Stages in places of assembly shall be separated from school areas by
construction of non-combustible materials having at least a two-hour
fire resistance rating and shall comply with Section of this IRR.
4. Shops, laboratories, and similar vocational rooms, as well as storage
rooms, shall be separated from school areas by construction having at
least a one-hour fire resistance rating, they shall have exits
independent from other areas.
C. General Provisions
1. The specific requirements of this Section are not intended to prevent
the design or use of other systems, equipment or techniques which will
effectively prevent the products of combustion from breaching the
atmospheric separation.
2. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to the requirements for
providing separate atmosphere. The fire resistance requirements shall
comply with other provisions of this Chapter.
a. Walls, partitions and floors forming all of or part of an atmospheric
separation shall be of materials consistent with the requirements for
the type of construction, but of construction not less effective than