Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 150

or as recommended by the equipment manufacturer, whichever «s greater. Auxiliary air may be introduced into the system through a screened opening to stabilize the arc. 2. Xenon Projection Equipment The lamp exhaust shall exhaust not less than eight and one-half (8.5) cubic meters per minute per lamp, nor less than that exhaust volume required or recommended by the equipment manufacturer, whichever is greater. The external temperature of the lamp housing shall not exceed fifty four and one-half (54.5 ˚ C) degrees Celsius when operating. F. Each projection room shall be provided with rewind and film storage facilities. G. A maximum of four (4) containers for flammable liquids not greater than one-half liter (0.5ℓ) capacity and of a non-breakable type may be per- mitted in each projection booth. H. Appurtenant electrical equipment such as rheostats, transformers, and generators may be located within the booth or in a separate room of equivalent fire resistance construction. SECTION OPEN FLAME No person shall cause or permit any open flame to be used in any place of public assemblage, or drinking or eating establishments, except when used in conjunction with approved heating or cooking appliances or under a written permit from the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. DIVISION 9. EDUCATIONAL OCCUPANCIES SECTION OCCUPANCY AND OCCUPANT LOAD A. Classification of Educational Occupancies 1. Educational occupancies shall include all buildings used for the gathering of groups of six (6) or more persons for purposes of instruction, such as schools, universities, colleges, and academies. 2. Educational occupancy includes part-day, nursery schools, kinder- gartens, day care facilities, and other schools whose purpose is primarily educational even though the children are of pre-school age. 3. Other occupancies associated with educational institutions shall be in accordance with the appropriate parts of this Chapter. 4. In cases where instruction is incidental to some other occupancy the 134