Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 132

Table 10: FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF CLASS B HAZARDS TYPE OF HAZARD MIN. EXTINGUISHER RATING Low Moderate High 5-B 10-B 40-B MAX. TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXTINGUISHER (m) 10 10 10 MAX. AREA (OPEN AREA) PER EXTINGUISHER (m 2 ) 200 100 75 ii. The protection requirements shall be permitted to be fulfilled with fire extinguishers of higher rating, provided the travel distance to such larger fire extinguishers does not exceed fifteen meters (15 m). iii. In cases where building spaces are compartmentalized or separated from each other by fire barriers, each compartment not exceeding the maximum protection area specified Table 10 shall be provided with at least 1 fire extinguisher. c. Class B Hazards in Flammable Liquids of Appreciable Depth (greater than 0.6 cm). i. Portable fire extinguishers shall not be installed as the sole protection for flammable liquid hazards of appreciable depth where the surface area exceeds one square meters (1.0 m2 ). ii. For flammable liquid hazards of appreciable depth, a Class B fire extinguisher shall be provided on the basis of at least two numerical units of Class B extinguishing potential per square meters of flammable liquid surface of the largest hazard area. iii. Travel distances for portable fire extinguishers shall not exceed ten meters (10 m). d. Class C Hazards Fire extinguishers with Class C ratings shall be required where energized electrical equipment can be encountered that would require a nonconducting extinguishing medium. This requirement includes situations where fire either directly involves or surrounds electrical equipment. Since the fire itself is a Class A or Class B hazard, the fire extinguishers shall be sized and located on the basis of the anticipated Class A or class B hazard. e. Class D Hazards i. Fire extinguishers or extinguishing agents with Class D ratings shall be provided for fires involving combustible metals. 116