Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 119

(61 cm) nor more than one hundred twenty two centimeters (122 cm) above the floor of each storey. All dry standpipe shall be equipped with a two way sixty four millimeters (64 mm) outlet above the roof line of the building when the roof has a slope of less than thirty centimeters (30 cm) long wrench may be used in connecting the hose with clearance for the wrench on all sides of the outlet. Standpipes located in smokeproof enclosures shall have outlets located in the vestibule or on the balcony. Standpipes outlets in stairway enclosures or smoke towers shall be so located that the exit doors do not interfere with the use of the outlet. All outlets shall be equipped with an approved valve cap and chains. g. Signs. An approved durable sign with raised letters of at least twenty five millimeters (25mm) in height shall be permanently attached to all fire Service street connections, cast on a plate or fitting that reads “DRY STANDPIPE”. A sign indicating the pressure required at the inlets to deliver the system demand shall also be provided. D. Wet Standpipes 1. Wet standpipe system extending from the cellar or basement into the topmost storey shall be required in the following: a. Assembly occupancies with an occupant load exceeding one thousand (1,000); b. Educational, healthcare and detention and correctional, business and mercantile, industrial, and hotels and apartments occupancies, four or more storeys in height, and c. Hazardous storage and business and mercantile occupancies having a floor area exceeding one thousand eight hundred sixty square meters (1,860 m 2 ) per floor. 2. However, the preceding provision does not apply to: a. Buildings equipped throughout with an approved, supervised sprinkler system. b. Basement or cellars equipped with approved, supervised sprinkler system. 3. Location a. Wet standpipes shall be located so that all portions of the buildings are within six meters (6m) of a nozzle attached to twenty two meters (22 m) of hose. 103