Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 103
2. Any door, passage, or stairway, which is neither an exit nor a way of
exit access and which is so located or arranged as likely to be
mistaken for an exit, shall be identified by a sign reading "NOT AN EXIT"
and shall be identified by a sign indicating its actual character, such
3. Every required sign designating an exit or way of exit access shall be so
located and of such size, color, and design as to be readily visible. No
decorations, furnishing, or equipment which impair visibility of an exit
sign shall be permitted, nor shall there be any brightly illuminated sign
(for other than exit purposes), display, or object in or near the line of
vision to the required exit sign of such a character as to distract
attention from the exit sign.
4. A sign reading "EXIT" with an arrow indicating the direction shall be
placed in every location where the direction of travel to reach the
nearest exit is not immediately apparent.
5. Every sign shall be distinctive in color and shall provide contrast with
decorational interior finish, or other signs.
B. Illumination of Signs
1. Every sign shall be suitably illuminated by a reliable light source giving
a value of not less than five thousandth (0.005) lumens per square
centimeters on the illuminated surface. Such illumination shall be
continuous as required under the provisions of Section of this
IRR (Illumination of Means of Egress), and where emergency lighting
facilities are required, exit signs shall be illuminated from the same
2. Internally illuminated signs shall be provided in all occupancies where
reduction of normal illumination is permitted, such as in motion picture
3. Luminous directional signs shall comply with para “C” hereof.
C. Size of Signs
Every exit shall have the word "EXIT" in plainly legible letters not less than
fifteen centimeters (15 cm) high with the principal strokes of letters not less
than nineteen millimeters (19 mm) wide, except that in existing building
externally illuminated exit signs therein having the word "EXIT" in plainly
visible letters not less than eleven and one half centimeters (11.5 cm) high,
other than in places of assembly, may be continued in use. Other
signages required by this rule shall be of the same dimension unless
otherwise provided.