Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 102

Where maintenance of illumination depends upon charging from one energy source to another, there shall be no appreciable interruption of illumination during the changeover. Where emergency lighting is provided by a prime mover-operated electric generator, a delay of not more than ten (10) seconds shall be permitted. 2. Emergency lighting facilities shall be arranged to maintain the speci- fied degree of illumination in the event of failure of the normal lighting for a period of at least one and one half (1 ½ ) hour. 3. An emergency lighting system shall be provided as specified in Divi- sions 8 through 17, subject to the approval of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction as to the suitability of the equipment for its intended use and the conditions in the individual premises. 4. Electric battery-operated emergency lights shall use only reliable types of storage batteries, provided with suitable facilities for maintenance in properly charged condition. Dry batteries shall not be used to satisfy these requirements. Electric storage batteries used in such lights or units shall be approved for their intended use and shall comply with Philippine National Standard (PNS) or other internationally accepted standards. 5. An emergency lighting system shall be so arranged as to provide the required illumination automatically in the event of any interruption of normal lighting, such as any failure of public utility or other outside electrical power supply, opening of a circuit breaker or fuse, or any manual act, including accidental opening of a switch controlling normal lighting facilities. 6. An emergency lighting system shall either be continuously in operation or shall be capable of repeated automatic operation without intervention. 7. All emergency lighting systems installed in accordance with this section shall be properly maintained. Maintenance program shall be documented and incorporated in FALAR 3. SECTION EXIT MARKING A. Signs 1. Where required by the provisions of Division 8 through Division 17 of this Chapter exits shall be marked by a readily visible sign. Access to exit shall be marked by readily visible signs in all cases where the exit or way to reach it is not immediately visible to the occupants and in any case where required by the applicable provisions of Divisions 8 through 17 of this Chapter for individual occupancies. 86