Fine Dining Indian Food Magazine April Issue 2 | Page 4

STAR CHEF #FINEDININGINDIAN PAGE 4 Star Chef of the Month Q . How did you convince your investor or partner? Was there any groundwork already?  This restaurant is a result of a drunken night. Me and my partner were drunk and I just said: let’s open up a restaurant. And we started working towards it. I quit my job, the one which I had. And we worked on this project. And with all the blessings good we took this decision. And we did it.   Q. How did you get into the radar of the World’s Best Restaurant awards?  You learn a lot when you start working on an international platform. You come in contact with many people who know more than you. You learn from them. And most importantly you say yes to all the opportunities that come your way. Pull it off by hook or by crook. Keep working towards your goal and keep making your food better without doubting your creativity and also assessing the market you are thriving in. All that comes with experience and struggling in various fields and there you are suddenly noticeable while moving towards your goal.   follow @ Gaggan Anand Chef Gaggan Anand shows us that anything in the world is achievable when you have a burning desire and passion, and you back this up with hard work and never taking shortcuts. He keeps the Indian national flag flying high, and we are proud to write about Chef Gaggan.  "I remember him as a very passionate but ordinary student. He was not into cooking much, but Gaggan was brilliant in marketing and canvassing. He almost single handedly sold out one of  our college's themed dinners. " Senior Chef Instructor Dennis Mathew IHM Trivandrum