Fine Dining Indian Food Magazine April Issue 2 | Page 3

#FINEDININGINDIAN EDITOR PAGE  3 Editor's Letter BOBBY RETNAKUMAR GEETHA We are so grateful and happy that Chef Gaggan Anand, India's best Chef in International Platforms, and owner of Asia's best restaurant for three consecutive years, agreed to be on our cover page. We hope you are influenced by his humble beginnings, and see how passion and hard work has brought him into the limelight.  Guiding force CHEF SURESH PILLAI I would personally like to thank Chef Suresh Pillai, Chef Sajeev Nair, Chef Manoj Karnavar, Abhilash Soman, Afshar K Ashraf and Ms. Meenakshi for contributing to the magazine. We urge all Indian chefs around the globe to contribute your recipes and articles for our future issues. We are also looking for promoters, through product placement advertisement.  Please write to [email protected] With Gratitude,  Bobby #finediningindian Our Vision:  " To be the world's best  fine dining Indian cuisine website and magazine"     We strive to achieve this by providing a platform for all Indian food lovers around the globe.