Fine Dining Indian Food Magazine April Issue 2 | Page 14

#FINEDININGINDIAN YOGA PAGE  14 Yoga heals the soul People want to be fit and somewhere something is  One day one of my colleagues told me that my always pulling them back. They start and are not able eyes are red and I was feeling suffocated. I went to continue. What I did was to visualise myself the to see the doctor and she checked my blood way I would like to look physically and I would always pressure and started prescribing  medicine which I see that picture before I sleep; this gave me motivation denied and told her that I will come back in two to practice my yoga. Initially I focused on basic weeks’ time. I learned that certain breathing breathing exercises and basic asana which I continued exercises and yoga asana can regulate the blood for many years. I never thought about any other pressure. The same evening, I went back and took advanced asana. Whenever I feel lazy I change my the yoga mat from the cupboard and started mindset and do more practice on that particular day. practicing. Fix a time for yoga - it may be in the morning or After two weeks I consulted the doctor and she evening.  Morning is the best time and try to practice was stunned by seeing the changes in my blood with an empty stomach. The place has to be dust free pressure and asked me what I have done. That and should have good ventilation as well. Most of the was the eye opener and life changing moment asana has physical benefits as well as mental benefits which I cannot forget. Since then  I started which most of the people don’t know. For example, if practicing on a regular basis without any stopping you do sarvangasana (shoulder stand) on a regular which gave me a lot of courage to face any kind basis your thyroid and parathyroid gland is safe. of situation in life. I became stronger mentally and Always learn from a good teacher who can teach you physically. the right and safe way to reach that particular asana. I have taught more than a thousand people Don't follow videos and do it yourself, this can lead to around the world from different countries. Also injuries. associated with many trainers from China, USA, It all started in 2007 when I got my shoulder injured France, Sweden, Russia. From them I have learned while playing club cricket. While doing rehabilitation, lots of things. Also conducted 3 yoga and wellness my physiotherapist asked me to learn yoga to retreats. strengthen my shoulder.  I followed his advice and learned yoga. After that,  My upcoming retreats are in Mumbai from April I folded the yoga mat and kept it in my cupboard like 27 -  May 1 2017 and in Kerala from 18 - 26 most of the people do. November 2017.