Final Report - Professional Services Activities Environmental Scan Final Report - Professional Services Activities En | Page 34
1 : 1,300
1 : 390
1 : 39,750
1 : 19,800
1 : 69,100
1 : 5,360
Based on the table of Professional to population ratio by selected countries, it is evident that
Malaysia has talent shortages compared to other developed nations. Most of the professions in
Malaysia has higher ratios and it is indicating that there is insufficient professional in the
industry to cater the population. As a benchmark for developed nation, there should be 1
architect to 4,000 people, With the present ratio of 1: 15,150, our country is far below the ratio
compared to most of the developed countries.
Below is the summary of human capital challenges faced by the selected professional services
activities: -
Table 6: Summary of Challenges
Professional Services Activities Challenges
▪ Skills gap in existing talent pool
▪ Talent migration
▪ Limitations in embracing digital evolution such as
Industrial Revolution 4.0
Advertising / Market research ▪ Lack of supply of skilled talent
Engineering / Architectural ▪ Potential shrinking talent supply pool in the future
▪ Difficulty in attracting good talent
▪ Lack of supply of skilled talent in areas of criminal
law and intellectual property
Lack of supply of skilled talent due to limited
placements available in public universities
Given the vast difference in the professional practices of respective sub-sectors, each practice
faces its unique challenges in terms of human capital development and it is the objective of this
study to explore and determine the key human capital/challenges constraining the growth of
the sector.
Environmental Scan – Professional Services Activities