Final Report - Professional Services Activities Environmental Scan Final Report - Professional Services Activities En | Page 16

Project Objectives The study aims: 1. To provide a snapshot of Professional Services activities landscape which shall include industry trends and prospects 2. To determine the profile of the current and future workforce of Professional Services Activities a. Design and implementation of a survey for the workforce in the Professional Services sectors. The development of the methodology and associated manual will be the basis in the future for the survey to be conducted periodically (annually, where possible) by the respective industries. b. The survey for Professional Services shall include information as follows: - i. Number of jobs created, ii. Vacancy rates, iii. Hard-to-fill positions and critical occupations, iv. Identification of key emerging trends, v. Automation, vi. Future job creation, and vii. Information on labour productivity c. The jobs most in demand should be highlighted for possible inclusion in the Critical Occupation List (COL). 3. Develop key strategic recommendations and implementable action plans and desirable outcomes to address talent gap. Environmental Scan – Professional Services Activities 14