FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 45
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Figure 1.35 Distribution of Malaysian Full-Time Employees by MASCO 1-Digit Level &
In terms of representation of employees by gender, female employees were underrepresented in 8 out
of 9 job categories but within the Professionals job category they are nearly on par with their male
colleagues. In turn, male employees represented a majority in jobs such as Skilled Agricultural,
Forestry, Livestock, & Fishery Workers (94%), Craft & Related Trades Workers (86%), and
Elementary Occupation (76%) categories. 73% of employees within the Clerical Support Workers
category were made up of female employees, while almost half of the employees within the
Professionals and Service & Sales Workers categories were female employees. Figure 1.37 showcases
the MASCO 2-digit job categories that have a higher presence of female employees.