FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 44

National Employment Returns (NER) 2018 Figure 1.34 outlines the share of employees in each sector, broken down by gender. The highest representation of female working in any sector was Human Health & Social Work sector, at 81%, followed closely by Education sector, where women comprised 65% of employees. There is also a higher representation (>50%) of female employees in Financial & Insurance/Takaful, Professional, Scientific & Technical and Other Service sectors. On the contrary, the highest representation of male employees working in any sector was Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing and Mining & Quarrying sectors at 81% each. Figure 1.34 Distribution of Malaysian Full-Time employees by MSIC & Gender Comparison When looking at the distribution of employees by gender, it is observed that there were more male employees working in labour intensive job categories (i.e. Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers and Elementary Occupations), while there were more female employees working in Professionals and Clerical Support Workers categories. Interestingly, a deeper understanding of the MASCO 2-digit job categories reveals that female employees made up of 28% of the senior leadership roles. 40