FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 38

National Employment Returns (NER) 2018 Zooming into the 18 MSIC sectors, more high-skilled employees were seen in Information and Communication, Financial & Insurance/Takaful and Education sectors. On the other hand, more low- skilled employees were observed in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Accommodation & Food Service and Administrative & Support Service sectors (refer to Figure 1.25). Figure 1.25 Distribution of Employees within MSIC, by Skill Level Nationality Comparison Overall, Malaysian employees made up of 84% of the workforce in NER 2018, while Foreign employees formed 16% of the workforce. This translates to 1.5 in 10 employees which is made up of Foreign employees. In terms of distribution, 57% of the Foreign employees were employed in Pulau Pinang, Selangor and Johor. There was a higher representation of Foreign employees looking for employment opportunities in Johor (27%), followed by Negeri Sembilan at 25%. 34