FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 30
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Analysis by Ownership Type
As shown in Figure 1.12, 77% were private limited companies while only 1% were sole proprietors.
About 8% were public limited establishments. Other ownership types stood at 14% which cover
partnership, co-operative, government-linked companies, association, private non-profit making
companies, etc.
Figure 1.12 Distribution of Establishments by Ownership Type
Other Analysis - Percentage of establishments which employ foreign employees
Overall, 22% of the establishments covered in NER 2018 have employed Foreign employees. A higher
proportion of establishments (69%) from Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing sector employed Foreign
employees, followed by Manufacturing sector at 63%. Only a minimal number of establishments (4%
respectively) from Real Estate and Human Health & Social Work sector employed Foreign employees .
Figure 1.13 Percentage of Establishments which employ Foreign Employees