FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 26
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Table 1.1 Distribution of Establishments by MSIC & Geography
Malaysia East
Malaysia % %
4,880 2,638 65% 35%
812 153 84% 16%
25,144 3,948 86% 14%
Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air
Conditioning Supply 184 124 60% 40%
Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste
Management and Remediation
Activities 521 80 87% 13%
Construction 21,894 7,271 75% 25%
Wholesale & Retail Trade; Repair
of Motor Vehicles and
Motorcycles 81,592 23,859 77% 23%
Transportation and Storage 6,533 2,574 72% 28%
Accommodation and Food Service
Activities 29,933 13,074 70% 30%
Information and Communication 4,187 327 93% 7%
Financial and Insurance/Takaful
Activities 5,206 1,247 81% 19%
Real Estate Activities 2,771 734 79% 21%
Professional, Scientific and
Technical Activities 12,748 3,931 76% 24%
Administrative and Support
Service Activities 5,594 2,471 69% 31%
Education 5,108 2,003 72% 28%
Human Health and Social Work
Activities 4,302 1,070 80% 20%
Arts, Entertainment and
Recreation 1,398 527 73% 27%
Other Services 4,460 1,664 73% 27%
217,268 67,694 76% 24%
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Mining and Quarrying
Total Establishments