Final major project (report) By Jason Shobo) Jason Shobo | Page 10



Although animating was probably the most time consuming task on my final major project, I really enjoyed bringing all my characters to life. However i wasn't ready for the few set backs along the way.

The fist problem i had was loosing my first reference files and first animatic from a corrupt hard drive. this pushed me back and made me loose allot of time. first i tried to animate without my first reference video's which consists of me and my friend but it didn't work out well and leaded me to create some quick ones for helping and guiding me while animating.

Another thing i should of did is do proper research on various rigs out there as there are various cheap rigs which would make my animation film look even better.

However i did end up settling for the basic rigs which if i may say myself, they ended up not being to bad.