Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update - September 2007 | Page 8

districts that are listed in the NRHP . Specifically , the Phase I work program included the following steps :
• Document all extant resources identified in the 1987 survey ;
• Document every resource within the two NRHP historic districts ;
• Reevaluate each resource and assign an updated preservation priority ranking ( HIGH , MEDIUM , or LOW ) based upon current architectural integrity and / or historical significance ;
• Complete a Survey Data Sheet for all resources assigned a HIGH or MEDIUM preservation priority rating within an NRHP historic district ;
• Record minimal physical data for all resources assigned a LOW preservation priority rating within an NRHP historic district ;
• Complete a Survey Data Sheet for all resources assigned a HIGH preservation priority rating outside an NRHP historic district ;
• Record minimal physical data for all resources assigned a MEDIUM or LOW preservation priority rating outside an NRHP historic district ;
• Photograph each identified resource using a digital camera ; and
• Input data into database program to generate computerized inventory and other reports .
In Phase II of the survey , conducted in August 2006 , the field crew documented pre-1945 properties within the current city limits that were not identified by the 1987 survey , most of which were in areas annexed into the city since the previous survey . To aid in the identification of these properties , the City obtained data from TAD and provided the survey team with a list of the addresses for all resources built by 1945 . Major work tasks undertaken during this phase of the project included :
• Identify each resource to determine significance ;
• Assign each resource a HIGH , MEDIUM , and LOW preservation rating based upon current architectural integrity and / or perceived historical significance ;
• Complete a Survey Data Sheet for all resources assigned a HIGH preservation priority rating ;
• Record minimal physical data for all resources that are given a MEDIUM , or LOW preservation priority rating ;
• Identify any potential historic districts , if applicable , and preliminarily note the contributing or noncontributing status of each resource within the boundaries of the potential district ;
• Photograph each identified resource using a digital camera ; and
• Input data into database program to generate computerized inventory and other reports .
Conducted March-May 2007 , Phase III of the survey included reconnaissance-level field investigations within all subdivisions / additions platted between 1945 and 1960 within the current city limits . To aid in the identification of these neighborhoods , the City provided the survey team with a list of all subdivisions established during the targeted period . Using this list , the field crew surveyed each of the city ’ s postwar subdivisions and noted :
• The integrity of each subdivision ;
• Any obvious individual landmarks ;