Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update - September 2007 | Page 7

the property lines on the east . The survey team also identified one property — the former Arlington Post Office — that is individually listed in the NRHP . The resource , which is located at 200 W . Main Street , was erected in 1939 . The resource was listed under Criterion C in the areas of Architecture and Engineering .
The 1987 Historic Resources Survey of Arlington , which evaluated individual properties that were erected before 1935 , included a brief overview of the city ’ s history . In contrast , the current survey effort primarily focused on an evaluation of properties built from 1935 through 1960 and , in Phase III , concentrated on broader patterns of development , emphasizing subdivisions rather than individual properties . The development of an updated , more in-depth historical overview was therefore necessary in order to facilitate the identification of developmental patterns especially after the construction of the General Motors assembly plant in 1951 . In support of this effort , the project historians conducted investigations at local archives , including the Tarrant County Courthouse , the Tarrant County Appraisal District , the Arlington Public Library and the University of Texas at Arlington Library and examined plat maps , appraisal records , newspaper advertisements and clippings from the period to establish target markets and significant historical associations ; and general / published histories . Using information gathered from these efforts , the research team prepared a historical overview that described Arlington ’ s development during the middle of the twentieth century . The historical research also provided the names of developers , contractors , and architects associated with a number of the city ’ s postwar subdivisions .
Prior to the initiation of fieldwork , HHM acquired Geographic Information System ( GIS ) and Tarrant Appraisal District ( TAD ) information from City of Arlington staff . The TAD information , which was presented in a spreadsheet , included addresses , geo-reference numbers , and dates of construction for all resources cited in the tax rolls erected between 1935 and 1945 . The City also provided information that listed the names and associated dates for all subdivisions within the current city limits . HHM imported this information into a database file and generated lists that aided the field crew ’ s identification of pre-1945 resources within the current city limits that were not identified by the 1987 survey . HHM also used this information to identify subdivisions platted between 1945 and 1960 .
Additionally , the City ’ s Information Technology Department provided HHM with GIS data for the entire city . Using this information in combination with the data collected during the fieldwork , the HHM survey team generated maps that depicted Arlington ’ s current city limits ; the location and preservation priority ( HIGH / MEDIUM / LOW ) status of all surveyed resources ; the boundaries of the two historic districts listed in the NRHP , as well as contributing / noncontributing status of all properties within the districts ; and the boundaries of any area ( s ) that appear to be potentially eligible for inclusion in the NRHP . HHM also plotted the locations of all historic markers within the city limits on the project maps .
The current study was conducted in three phases , each of which targeted a specific group or class of resources . The field team ’ s objective in Phase I , conducted in January 2006 , was to document and reevaluate all extant historic resources that were previously identified in the 1987 survey . The survey also conducted comprehensive surveys of all extant resources in each of the two historic