A hard copy of the report should be donated to local repositories of information including the Arlington Public Library , the UTA Library and Architecture Division , the Preservation Coalition of Tarrant County , and the Texas Historical Commission . In order to provide greater access to the survey results , an electronic copy of relevant portions of the report , in a PDF format , should also be posted on the City ’ s website and be made available to the public for downloading . In addition to the report , the PDF should include a questionnaire / information sheet that would enable property owners to provide any information , questions , or comments to the City .
The current survey effort focused on an evaluation and documentation of resources that were erected within the City of Arlington in 1960 or earlier . It is therefore recommended that the current survey be periodically updated , i . e . every 5 to 10 years , as resources erected after 1960 reach the age threshold necessary for inclusion in the NRHP ( typically 50 years or older ). Funding for this effort can be obtained through either Certified Local Government ( CLG ) grants or Community Development Block Grants ( CDBG ). CLG grants , which are administered through the Texas State Historic Preservation Office ( SHPO ), can be used for training , historic resource surveys , producing educational materials , preparing preservation plans , and preparing National Register of Historic Places nominations . CDBG funds assist communities with community development activities .
The City of Arlington established a Landmark Preservation ( LP ) Overlay Zoning District ordinance to provide for the protection , preservation , and enhancement of buildings , structures , sites , and areas of architectural , historical , archaeological , or cultural importance or value ( see Appendix H ). If a building or structure within an LP overlay district is to be altered , torn down , or relocated , the property owner must first apply for and receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Landmark Preservation Commission . The City of Arlington Community Development and Planning Department has also begun the process of initiating a neighborhood plan program through the establishment of Conservation District ( CD ) overlay zoning ( see Appendix I ). The “ CD ” zoning classification will provide guidance and design parameters for the redevelopment and revitalization of targeted neighborhoods . A neighborhood plan is a means by which residents are afforded the opportunity to guide development and change in their neighborhoods . If approved and adopted , the neighborhood plan would be integrated into the City ’ s overall comprehensive plan .
Upon completion of its review of the survey documents , the City should integrate survey information , including the associated GIS data and maps , into overall city planning procedures . This data could then be easily referenced for all City programs that require the issuance of building , demolition , or moving permits ; that effect changes in land use or zoning ; or that affect the built landscape in any way . The City should also seek to confer LP protective zoning to those individual properties identified by the current survey efforts as HIGH priorities . Similarly , the City should seek “ CD ” zoning classification for the HIGH priority neighborhoods , especially those that have the potential to be impacted , planned , public construction projects or are threatened by private development .