50 / 50 : What do you think about low percentage of women at bus industry ?
Maatouray : May be the industry ' s reliance on shift working can be discouraging to some women who are parents ; because as a woman I would rather prefer to work from morning to afternoon , so that I
50 / 50 : Do you think more women are needed in the bus industry ?
Maatouray : I think that depends on whether women are interested in the job or not , but still the bus companies should try allocate an appropriate work time for them .
50 / 50 : regarding these interviews , people came up with different perceptions about the roles of women in the bus industry and how they should ( the women ) to come forward and show competence in the industry just as they are in other work industry so as to fill the gender gap . but on the other hand 50 / 50 had come to a conclusion that , the bottom line of this whole story is that women needs to build up self-confidence , self-esteem and have positive mind that whatever men can do women can do it even better .
Written by : Sarata Jabbi