Fife College Prospectus 2023-24 Fife College Prospectus 2023-24 | Page 149

HNC : Computer Aided Draughting and Design
SCQF Level 7
The application of Computer Aided Draughting ( CAD ) is a powerful means of illustrating 2-Dimensional , 3-Dimensional and animated drawings , using the latest in computer technology .
This highly sought after HNC equips you with the necessary skills to enter the design labour market , or to progress onto a higher-level qualification in this specialist field .
Entry Requirements
One of the following :
Foundation Apprenticeship : Engineering SCQF Level 6
One Higher at Grade C or above plus three National 5s at Grade C or above , one of which would preferably be Graphic Communication
National Certificate : Engineering Systems SCQF Level 6
National Certificate : Mechanical Engineering SCQF Level 6
Another relevant course at SCQF Level 6 accompanied with a good academic reference recommending articulation to a higher level
Relevant industry experience and / or other qualifications will be considered on an individual basis
HNC : Manufacturing Engineering
SCQF Level 7
This is an advanced level course which will equip you with the wide variety of skills and knowledge that you will need if you are looking ahead to employment in the manufacturing industry , including advanced manufacturing and automation .
Entry Requirements
One of the following :
Two Highers , one at Grade C and the other at Grade D or above . One of these must be in Maths , with the other being Physics or a Technology subject
Foundation Apprenticeship : Engineering SCQF Level 6
Advanced Certificate : Manufacturing Engineering ( including a pass on the unit mech eng principles and Maths : Tech 2 )
Another relevant course at SCQF Level 6
Please note that you must be employed within the industry to apply for the Modern Apprenticeship
Mechanical Engineering
National Certificate : Engineering Practice
SCQF Level 5
This is a mainly practical course aimed to improve your career prospects within mechanical , manufacture or systems related areas within engineering . It follows an SQA SCQF Level 5 Engineering Practice award , providing a thorough grounding in the engineering principles required by people working towards technician level .
Entry Requirements
One of the following :
Three National 4s which must include Maths , English , and Technology or a Science-based subject
Certificate : Introduction to Engineering and Technology ( including Automotive Skills ) EAL Level 1 ( with SCQF Level 4 Maths and English )
SVQ : Pro-Engineering SCQF Level 4 ( with SCQF Level 4 Maths and English )
You may be required to take part in an informal conversation as part of the application process . This group / individual conversation may be an information session , a portfolio discussion , or a skills-based exercise
KEY D Dunfermline K Kirkcaldy G Glenrothes L Levenmouth R Rosyth
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