Fife College Degree Guide 2020/21 | Page 4

Your Degree Journey Local Studying locally at Fife College could be cheaper and more convenient than travelling or moving to university. If you have already studied at college before, you’ll be familiar with the college set up even if you change campus, and continuing your degree studies with us means that you can continue to work with the same lecturers. Class sizes at college tend to be smaller than at university and provide a bit more personal support, helping you achieve your qualification and progress to your next step. Flexible Choosing the college route to a degree means that you don’t have to commit to four years of continuous study You can take it a year at a time and gain a recognised qualification at the end of every year. That way, if a job opportunity comes along that’s too good to pass up, you will already have a recognised qualification on your CV to go for it. By choosing college, you will have the opportunity to gain the same degree, from the same universities, in the same amount of time as others who choose to study their degree at university from year one. Affordable Beginning your degree at college can be cheaper and more convenient than going straight to uni. Not only could your study, living, and travel costs be lower studying at Fife College but, if you’re planning to study parttime, you may also be eligible for a part-time fee grant towards the cost of your tuition fees. A space dedicated to degree study We know that the spaces that you learn and study in are important. Our University Hub in Dunfermline has been designed specifically to help you to feel comfortable and focused in your studies. Students studying HNCs, HNDs, and degrees all make use of the Hub – it’s like a mini university campus! 4 | Fife College Degree Guide 2021/22