smart sundays. MEAL PREPS TO GET YOU BEACH READY By Ayanna Penn D o you find it difficult to eat clean because deep down you believe that eating healthy means sacrificing all things sweet and savory? I was there! I am a self professed foodie with a HEAVY sweet tooth girl- friend. But with a family history of Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease, I was determined to figure out a way to both regain control of my fork AND satisfy my cravings, without feeling so deprived. Well, I did it! I found a way and lost 40lbs along the way! Now everyday I help other women around the US and Canada do the same! Anyone who knows me, knows that I have fun with my food but I com- pletely credit my new lease on eating to two phenomenal fitness and nutrition programs offered by top at-home fitness and nutrition company, Beachbody, LLC. The programs I am referencing are called the Beach- body Ultimate Reset and Portion Fix (Click Here to learn more about each Meal Prep Menu: Breakfast: Sweet Potato Pie Oats with a side of Maple Banana Greek Yogurt Snack: Chocolate Covered Almond and coconut Shakeology (tastes better tha n Almond Joy!) Lunch: Kale and Beets Salad with Feta and Maple Pecans Snack: Curry Eggs with Apple "pie" Slices Dinner: Honey Balsamic Chicken with Roasted Veggies After Dinner Dessert: Cherry Banana Chip Nice Cream | 9