smart sundays. BREAKFAST SNACK Sweet Potato Pie Oats with a side of ma- Chocolate Covered Almond and coco- ple Banana yogurt (oats can be prepared nut Shakeology (Tastes BETTER than an night before): pie-oats/. Add protein to this meal with a side of plain greek yogurt topped with 1/4 banana and a tsp maple syrup. You can also stir the yogurt mix into your finished bowl of oats for a creamier bowl, pack and take it to go!! almond joy!) Ingredients: 1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology (Chocolate Vegan works well too) 4oz. Unsweetened Coconut/ Almond Blend dairy free milk beverage 6 oz. Water Dash of cinnamon 3- 4 ice cubes Combine in a blender and enjoy!!!! Takes just like an almond joy milk shake! Can also be enjoyed on the go placing all ingredients into a shaker cup and shaken until mixed well. No access to Coconut Almond dairy free milk beverage? Sub in unsweetened almond milk with a 1/2 tsp coconut extract. Benefits: Clean source of protein, vitamins, minerals plus over 70 superfoods that sup- port healthy digestion, helps to regulate Benefits: Sweet potatoes are rich in Beta blood sugar, reduces junk food cravings Carotene, Vitamin A and C. They also act as and so much more (learn more about the an anti-inflammatory and helps to regulate benefits of Shakeology here: Shakeology. blood sugar. com/ayannapenn 10 |