5.you dont have much in common
Once the initial attraction stage ends, you might discover that you lack common interests. You can’t build an entire relationship based on looks alone. If the two of you find you have nothing in common and therefore don’t spend time together, you will naturally drift apart. You don’t need to share all your interests with each other, but you should enjoy doing something together
6.you argue constantly
Disagreements are normal in any relationship, and sometimes you need to argue them through. But if you and your lover are constantly arguing, you might have drifted apart emotionally. Endless bickering signals deeper trouble in a relationship and is not a pleasant way to live. The two of you just might not be right for each other if you constantly have to work on things, if one of you feels the other can’t do anything right or if you keep rehashing issues from the past.
7. you stop operating as a team
Couples often think of themselves as a team and help each other go through life. They support each other in terms of career growth and during tough times. When the two of you stop being a part of each other’s lives and fail to operate as a team, you have become an ineffective couple and your relationship probably will not last much longer. A good relationship operates on the principle that two heads are better than one. If you try to get through life alone or team with someone else, your relationship has drifted apart.