Field Installation and Service Manual IMS126 | Page 7
3 T4.3 Using the appropriate colored Patchal
Putty or Fil-Stick, push a small amount into the
flattened nail hole.
3 T4.4 With a clean rag, remove excess filler from
the surrounding material. Use caution not to push the
filler into the hole past flush.
Technique 5 - Repairing Minor Chips and Corner Scuffs
3 T5.1
Many Minor
Chips and Corner Scuffs can be
easily handled with a Wax Filler
and a Color Marker. This process
is very similar for RTF as well as
lacquered wood finishes.
As detailed in the previous tech-
nique, begin by flattening the chip
or scuff. No part of the damaged
area should be higher than the
area surrounding it.
3 T5.2
Fill the chips with a hard wax filler such as a Fil-Stik in a matching color. Blend and feather the
wax so that it is flat and smooth at its transition.
Friction and heat from quick repeated passes with a flattening card works well for this. The card helps keep
the patch flat with the surface by not wearing it past level, and allows a smooth transition or “feather” between
where the filler begins and ends.
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