Field Installation and Service Manual IMS115 | Page 2

Field Installation and Service Manual SECTION 1 - INSTALLATION Applying Skin and Edgebanding Illustrated Method Sheet 115 Overlay Skins are prefi nished thin rigid panels anywhere from 1/16” to 1/4” thick that are designed to cover an area that is either missing its fi nish or the surface is damaged beyond repair. Edgebanding is a narrow strip of matching material that is used to fi nish the end of a board. Skin and Edgeband material must be adhered to the surface it is covering. The glue used for this is a spray contact adhesive that is messy. Once it is sprayed on the surfaces to be joined and dries, it will form a permanent bond between the two pieces upon contact. Adjusting the placement of a piece is not possible once contact is made. The main diffi culty in applying Skin or Edgeband is in aligning a part correctly while keeping the parts from contacting each other until they are positioned. Applying Skin and Edgebanding involves the following: Step 1 Prep the Area to be Skinned Step 2 Size and Cut the Skin Step 3 Fit, Hinge and Test the Placement Step 4 Mask Off and Apply Glue Step 5 Make Contact Applying Overlay Skin and Edgebanding can either be a required step in completing an installa- tion or an essential step to repair a problem or omission. Either way, the process is easy, but can be tricky as the glue used for this process usually only gives you one try to get it right. Examine the steps described in this IMS so your next Skin Overlay job goes off without becoming a “sticky” situation. Step 6 Trim In Step 1 Prep the Area to be Skinned 1.1 Contact Spray Adhe- sive is very messy. Most of the stream goes where it is aimed, but a small amount of misting over-spray will escape the im- mediate area and drift. Take steps to ensure that surfaces and tools will be pro- tected from damage by direct or misting glue over spray. ©2017 PCS Professional Cabinet Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Section 1: IMS 115 2