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1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids
Autoimmune disease is another issue. This is an inflammatory condition
where your immune system mistakenly considers organs or cells as "foreign"
to your body and attacks them.
Hormone disorders and substances and microorganisms in your food and
physical environment can all influence your immune system.
A recent study in which 108 women with uterine fibroids participated found
that 40.7% had immune antibodies for autoimmunity versus only 14.8% for
women without any of these conditions.
Congested Toxins In The Bowels, Liver, Blood And Lymph And
Exposure to Environmental Toxins
Our constant exposure to thousands of toxins on a daily basis through the
food that we eat, the air that we breathe, the drugs that we take and our poor
quality of our water supply all lead to toxic buildup in the blood, lymph, kidneys
and colon. This leads to short-term and long-term health conditions. Among
them are Uterine fibroids and their related symptoms.
You can take thousands of herbs, supplements and over-the-counter
preparations to relieve your fibroids symptoms and eliminate uterine fibroids ,
but without cleansing your internal system and your digestive tract in
particular, it will be like painting a rusty car, and you will never get rid of it.
The liver in particular is essential to maintaining blood sugar levels, recovering
your hormonal balance, improving your fertility and performing other functions
such as removing excess insulin from the blood stream. When excess insulin,
for example, is not removed, it remains high in the blood and may contribute
to insulin resistance. These functions are all responsible for keeping your
uterine fibroids symptoms under control and for eradicating and preventing the
formation of uterine fibroids .
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