Fibroids Miracle PDF EBook Free Download Fibroids Miracle PDF EBook Free Download | Page 27

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids 27 sludgy and thick, creating the ideal environment for candida growth (more on the acid-alkaline balance later). The consumption of refined or processed foods spikes your blood sugar to high levels. Insulin levels increase in order to control the sudden increase in blood sugar. Too much insulin eventually makes the cells "insulin resistant.” (more on the insulin- uterine fibroids connection later) A healthy diet that consists of certain micronutrients (biotin, calcium, chromium, magnesium, selenium) can help reduce insulin resistance. The typical western diet is deficient in many of these micronutrients. A family of substances called excitotoxins (MSG being one of them), along with numerous other chemicals added to your food to "improve" the taste, texture or appearance, can hinder and damage cell function and nerve cells. This in turn can hinder your body’s ability to keep your hormones balanced. (Nerve cells in the hypothalamus are also responsible for the stimulation or suppression of hormone secretion). Low doses of MSG injected into mice caused abnormally high levels of LH (luteinizing hormone). Elevated levels of LH is one of the primary reproductive problems that women with fibroids have. Weakened Immune System Or Autoimmune Disorders When the immune system is weakened due to several factors such as nutritional deficiency, high toxic buildup (heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and parasites), stress, lack of sleep or the use of pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics and steroids, the body becomes vulnerable to virtually every type of sickness and disease. In this state the body cannot defend itself and cannot control the process of toxic elimination and hormonal balancing as it could if the immune system was at its peak performance. Page 27