FHSTheFlash The Flash Volume 46, Issue 1 October 2005 | Page 5

5 October 2005 New staff members are welcomed to Fraser High School The following staff members are just four of nine that have just recently came to Fraser High School. Read on to get to know them with questions and answers listed below. The new staff members include: Mr. Patrick Murphy, Ms. Sara Kennedy, Ms. Amy Jager, Mr. Matthew Cyplik, Ms. Melissa Skruba, Ms. Lori Guolla, Ms. Lisa Perhogan, Ms. Elizabeth Bartlett, and Mr. Luke Woods. To learn more about the other five staff members look forward to the next issue of The Flash coming soon! This is Ms. Perhogan’s second year of teaching. Previously, she taught 10th grade english for a year in Port Huron. Here in Fraser, she teaches 10th and 11th grade english which are the grades that she prefers to teach. She enjoys reading, traveling, working out, hanging out with her family and friends, and shopping. Ms. Perhogan enjoys listening to Alternative Rock and has a mutt named Kola who she loves. On Summers off she likes to go to Ceder Point, Mexico, and Chicago. She decided to become a teacher because she likes to lend help to anyone that needs it. This is Ms. Skruba’s second year of teaching. Previously, she taught for a year at Grosse Pointe South. Here at Fraser, she teaches economics and history. She graduated from Fraser High School and then went to MSU, and recieved her masters degree from Saginaw Valley. Since she went to high school here she is very used to it but still loves it. Ms. Skruba enjoys volleyball, softball, scrapbooking, and reading. She listens to all types of music and on her summers off she likes to go anywhere that’s warm and sunny. She decided to become a teacher because she likes working with kids and they keep her on her toes. She beleives that it’s important to be a part of educating the future. Ms. Melissa Skruba Mrs. Elizabeth Bartlett Mrs. Bartlett is a new Assistant Principal at FHS and she was previously a biology teacher in Fraser for 26 years. she finds her job very busy but interesting. She interned for the job last year and is enjoying it very much. Mrs. Bartlett graduated from Finney High School and from there she went to Wayne State and Saginaw Valley Universities. Her parents have had the most impact on her life and she enjoys skiing, reading, running, and swimming. She listens to classical music and loves to vacation to Europe. Mrs. Bartlett is married and has two daughters. They are very successful as an event planner and a social worker. She decided to become an Assistant Principal just to be involved in something different, new, and exciting. Ms. Lisa Perhogan Ms. Amy Jager Ms. Jager is not only new to Fraser High School but new to teaching in general and she loves it. She teaches Algebra and Earth Science. Ms. Jager graduated from Dakota High School and from there she went to Michigan State University. Her dad has had the most impact on her life and she enjoys sports, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. She listens to all types of music and she enjoys going to Hawaii on her summers off. She enjoys her job because she likes being around the students and she loved high school.