Fete Lifestyle Magazine September 2023 - Fall Fashion Issue | Page 62

Photo Credit Sincerely Media

How to break up with toxic emotions?

Once you become aware that toxic emotions have been weighing you down, you now have the power to choose to release and let go of them. You know you are ready for change when you get tired of the same pattern of thinking, you get tired of feeling heavy and having low energy, and you get tired of the habitual behaviors that bring you the same unfulfilled or painful experiences. If you are ready to release the toxic emotions from your life, then it is time to Break Up.

I would like to offer a 4-step conversation you can have with yourself to Break Up with toxic emotions.

1.Start the conversation with yourself by thanking your emotions because at one point in time they served you in a healthy way. Thank your emotions for bringing you out of the situation. Thank your emotions for helping you process the experience. Acknowledge that emotions are a natural part of being human.

2.Next tell yourself that the current prolonged toxic emotion or persistent low mood no longer serves you in a healthy way. Be firm in communicating with your body that your toxic emotions are weighing you down, causing you stress, and you are tired of holding on to them. Apologize to your body for holding on far too long to the toxicity of negative emotions.

3.In a commanding voice, tell the toxic emotions you are releasing them now and they are free to go. Tell the negative emotions you are sending them back to where they came from with love. Now take your hands and starting from your head going all the way down to your feet, brush off the negative energy and toxic emotions away from your body. Shake off the stuck energy from your body as if shaking off water from your body like a dog does when wet.

4.End by placing both palms overlapping on the center of your heart and affirm to yourself that you love yourself. Affirm that you are now free from the toxic emotions and you can now move forward in love. You can repeat this 4-step conversation anytime you become aware that you might be holding on to a prolonged negative emotion.