Earlier this year, in an explosion of conflicting ideas and emotional overwhelm, my husband and I decided that it was time to try a life apart. It was a heartbreaking reality the day I packed my bags to leave. I had never been much of a quitter and I had not been witness to many marriage breakdowns in my life. My parents remain married after 30 plus years, whilst my brother and his wife have enjoyed ten years of relationship bliss. In the months and years leading up to our separation I remember regularly being frustrated with my husband’s perceived lack of interest and tendency to ‘shut-down’ any time I attempted to discuss a glitch in the dynamic of our relationship. He would often refer to his childhood as having shaped a lot of his emotional behaviors and while I acknowledged the theory, I never recognized just how much truth existed in those claims until after we separated.
3 Things I Want My Future Kids To Know
by Candis Hickman