Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2019 - Food Issue | Page 60

DC: Your journey first started by cooking for a friend, then working as a culinary teacher for underprivileged youth, and finally cooking for Dwayne Wade. Describe how you’ve evolved as a chef seventeen years ago to where you are now.

ChefRLI: The evolution is ongoing. Each and everyday I’m looking at new things. The advantage of being a personal chef is that I can do my own thing and be creative as I want to be, but the disadvantage is that I’m not working in a restaurant and being introduced to new techniques and food stuff, because I’m basically on an island by myself. I consistently research new ideas and thank God my clients are willing to try different things. So I’ve been able to evolve by trying different things and food and blending things together and really just trying to find my own space.

If you watched the movie Ray, then you remember at the beginning of the movie Ray Charles’ wife told him that she was waiting hear what the “real” Ray was going to sound like, because his music sounded like everyone elses. For a while that was me, because I was copying other things that I saw and tasted. Then I decided to put my own spin on food by implementing techniques, different flavors, plating and styling. Once I became more confident in my skill level, I was able to break away and do my own thing.

DC: You and Dwyane Wade are like family. I saw that he wrote the forward to your cookbook. Explain how your friendship has influenced your cooking.

ChefRLI: I take my job very seriously and when Dwyane was playing basketball, I was trying to make sure that he had everything he needed, but now because of our relationship I watch him like I watch my own kids. I try to find everything to keep him happy and healthy. We have a running joke about food, which is if you don’t really want to eat something then don’t tell me, because the next day whatever it is will be right there in the kitchen. Recently, Gabrielle mentioned that she wanted some pumpkin spiced muffins and man I couldn’t even sleep. I was up all night searching for recipes and made sure that I got up extra early the next day to surprise her. That’s what our seventeen-year relationship means, however there’s still a fine line of demarcation between family and business. I’m always on duty even when we go out, because you never know what’s needed at any given moment.