Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2019 - Food Issue | Page 51

My own weight loss of 80+pounds had shown me that not only did I have the will to push myself to the point of most resistance, but I also understood what it meant to make myself uncomfortable to get what I ultimately wanted.

I’d like to say that this time was easy, but it was anything short of that. Weeks went by and I knew I had to tell my new roommates that I quit my job to live out my dreams of becoming an independent fitness trainer. Because of that, admittedly they told me I would have to find other living arrangements. After odd jobs to sustain regular living means and to prospect clients, I finally figured out how I would create a clientele base and earn income in the meantime.

I swallowed my pride and became a bartender. Yes, a walking contradiction to a fitness leader, but I knew once I found and maintained a steady 30 clients, I would leave in five months and leverage my knowledge, skill and extensive training education to earn a living.

Some nights I was stressed, overworked and run down by the bar scene, but I maintained my focus. Staff of the bar would party after hours, but I never did. I was on a mission to achieve something within my reach, and I knew being detached form that scene was for the best.

Every Monday was my cheat meal night. I wouldn’t work at the bar or on contacting potential clients or on research. I told myself I wasn’t allowed to “think” which would become part of my process to reabsorb and refresh. Dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant, Enoteca, started with me getting ready like I was going on a date for one. I promised myself I wouldn’t date to keep my focus, but I would certainly treat myself well. The ritual of dining out one evening a week while on my entrepreneurial path, made my life more rewarding.

Now, many years later, I did what I set out to do. After obtaining those thirty consistent clients and beyond, living out my dream of healing others and helping them know that they can too achieve whatever they see for themselves, I still venture out to Enoteca.

This place is special, quaint and a solace for the spirit. The dishes are the same and consistently prepared with the chef’s personal touch. My friend Patrick is still operating the entire floor as both bartender and server, with the best attitude and efficiency. Although the eggplant parmesan is such a traditional dish, every time I come, I get just that. Their bubbling ramekin of thinly sliced layers of eggplant and blend of cheeses is completely warming to the soul and the best eggplant parmesan I’ve ever tasted. Its indulgent, satisfying and quite literally edible therapy. In a time of grit, grind, and hard times…this dish gave me Solitude and will forever leave an imprint in my mind… And stomach.