Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2019 - Food Issue | Page 45

Kris Batchelder is a chronic seeker with a passion for transformation. Her proclivity for exploration has seen her through extensive worldwide journeys and adventures. Yet her most rewarding travel continues to be into the “final frontier” located within, to integrate the triumphs and tribulations she has experienced along the way. Facilitation is the common thread woven throughout her colorful career, which has primed her with experience and skill in helping others discover and actualize their goals. Her mission is to guide others to reclaim their light, inside and out. To that end, she serves as a Personal Style Consultant for J.HIlburn Men's Clothier, and is certified as an Integrative Life Coach by The Ford Institute for Transformational Training.

Erika Conway, co-founder and Principal Designer of Chicago-based Lux Design Group, is best known to execute her conceptual designs through a very pragmatic approach. From a young age Erika has consistently expressed her passion for enhancing lifestyles through the functionality of space. She firmly believes they key to a successful design begins with understanding how each client perceives and approaches space, allowing her to tailor each design to her individual client. Her style is comprised of the inspirations collected through her travels and guided by her clients’ desires and likings, making each project truly unique! Erika is also a licensed Realtor providing her with a keen sense of market trends, home appreciations, and knowledge of how good design enhance home market value. Whether she is buying, designing, or selling, Erika has an appreciation and passion for beautiful homes.

Erika Fay is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and certified Transformational Life Coach with over 16 years of experience working with men, women, couples & athletes. As a professional speaker, Erika specializes in helping people build dreams, accelerate results and create richer, more fulfilling lives. Erika graduated from Purdue University and obtained her Master of Arts degree from St Mary’s University in San Antonio Texas and is certified as a Transformational Life Coach by the Life Mastery Institute. As founder and owner of Erika Fay, LMFT & Associates, a relationship therapy practice, Erika believes that everyone has the capacity to create loving relationships and lead fulfilling, happy lives. In her free time, she is an endurance athlete and competes in numerous triathlons and marathons. www.erikafaylmft.com

ometimes life throws us for a loop, we stress about finances, children, illnesses, our significant other, pets, etc. You name it and I probably worry about it; I can't help it; it stems from my mother's side of the family. Being in the skin care industry I've realized how important self-care is. Working out, yoga, meditation are all great paths to self-care but I wanted something different, something unique and I found it twice!

The first location I came across was Piva Beer Spa. It was the uniqueness that I longed for, and yes, you read that correctly, beer spa. When I first arrived, I was given a tour and a little history on Halotherapy and Beer Soaks. Before I go any further, I must take this moment to apologize to my mother. When I was a child, my mom would always DIY hair masks, exfoliants etc. and I remember she would add beer to the hair mask. It smelled bad, I was embarrassed, I absolutely hated when she would do this to me once a month, but after knowing the benefits as an adult, I thank you mom and sorry for all the fuss.


Piva Beer Soak