Physical Touch: Holding hands, kisses, a touch on the leg, big hugs and sex. I’m certain I don’t have to convince anyone about the importance of this one. However, I have seen that this can also fade a bit over the course of a relationship. Be mindful about expressing your love through touch. Grabbing for your mates hand or rubbing their shoulders as they are telling you about a rough day, kissing them hello and good-bye; all of these things show support and generate connection. It’s also ok to make sex a priority in your relationship! Find time for it if you are
beginning to
notice that your
busy lives are
pushing sex
to the
Have fun
likes and
dislikes in the
bedroom and
talk about
these things
so that you
can keep
your sex life
on the right
Receiving Gifts: A gift doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It could be one flower left for your mate to find or surprising them with their favorite coffee drink one morning. Again, these things can demonstrate appreciation for your partner.
The key here is to think about your mate’s feelings. By shifting your focus to your partner, waking in their shoes, you
show you are thinking of them and appreciate how important he or she is in your life. Try a little experiment over the few weeks. Pick one of the topics above
and spend a week practicing it. Get feedback from your mate about what felt great or fell flat. Keeping these tips in mind and making a commitment to practice them with one another will nurture and grow your connection.