Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2016 Food Issue | Page 39

4. Be quiet

Most important during this season of too much of everything, try and take some time for yourself to just get quiet. You’ve heard it before, meditation heals. If you don’t already have a daily practice of contemplation or prayer, why not give yourself that gift this year. The scientific and medical community agree that meditation reduces stress and since stress kills, what have you got to lose. Get a guided meditation app, try searching meditation to relax on Youtube, or find a local class teaching meditation. Or keep it simple and just take 5 minutes where you can be alone and uninterrupted and just slow your breathing down. Slowly count to 5 as you inhale, then exhale, lengthening your breath as you get used to it. It’s as simple as that. Quiet contemplation, sitting in nature, or even writing in a journal, just turn off the TV, phone and computer and let the silence sink in. Add some soft instrumental music if that seems more relaxing. And my favorite during the colder months: enjoy a little spa time. Take a long aromatherapy scented bath by candlelight in the privacy of your own home. Best of all, you can do all of these for free.

Here’s hoping you don’t just survive the holidays this year, but thrive into spring with a stress-free holiday season.