How do you balance running a successful business with meeting the individual needs of each child?
When starting CLP, it was always about each of our students. Hiring the right people who are passionate about children definitely helps, but balancing a successful business with meeting the individual needs of each child is at the core of our mission at CLP. From the beginning, our focus has been on the well-being and development of every student in our program.
One key aspect of achieving this balance is through our team. We prioritize hiring individuals who share our passion for children and their growth. By assembling a dedicated and compassionate staff, we ensure that each child receives personalized attention and support tailored to their unique needs.
Effective time management and organization are essential in
running a successful business
while also catering to individual
student needs. We strive to maintain open lines of communication with parents and caregivers, enabling us to address specific concerns and adapt our approach accordingly. Ultimately, our commitment to the holistic development of each child drives our daily operations and guides us in maintaining a balance between business objectives and the individual needs of our students. This approach underscores our belief that a successful business is one that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of every child in our care.
What challenges have you faced as a woman entrepreneur in the childcare sector?
As a woman leader in the childcare sector, I encountered several challenges, particularly in dealing with vendors and bankers. Despite the success of my school, which eventually reached annual revenues of hundreds of thousands and then millions of dollars, I faced a notable lack of understanding and support from commercial bankers. This was no more prevalent than when I sought financial assistance and support for further growth and development of my school. Despite demonstrating a strong track record of revenue generation and operational success, I often experienced bankers downplaying and undermining the significance of my accomplishments. This attitude made it challenging to secure the necessary financing and resources to expand and enhance my school's offerings.
The experience highlighted broader issues faced by young entrepreneurs in accessing financial services and support. It underscored the importance of staying strong and believing in oneself. Despite the challenges, I remained resilient and focused on achieving my goals, ultimately finding alternative avenues to support the growth and success of my school.
What advice do you have for other women looking to start their entrepreneurial journey?
Be passionate and believe in yourself! Before deciding to become an entrepreneur, one should definitely determine what one is passionate about. Once that subject is identified, keep learning. We are in a great time where there are countless resources and others willing to be a mentor. Build a supportive network of peers and advisors.
You’re not always going to have all the answers, so you have to surround yourself with people who are willing to help you. I’d also say that it’s important to start small (even Amazon started with just selling books), learn from failures, and seek funding wisely. Balance work and life, stay persistent, and celebrate every milestone. Your unique journey will thrive with confidence, perseverance, and continuous growth.