Fete Lifestyle Magazine May 2024 - Women's Issue | Page 29

Laurette Rondenet is President and CEO of Edlong Flavors, the host of Owning Your Legacy podcast, and a mother of five boys. Her podcast ranks in the top 10% of all podcasts on Apple where she invites other leaders to discuss the legacy they will leave behind. Listen to the Owning Your Legacy podcast.


3.Do what you love.

At times, when my career at Edlong got intense and my own family kept expanding, my mom would push me on this one. My parents had been divorced for many years at this point and she questioned if I was working at Edlong because I loved the industry and work, or if I was really doing it to gain my dad’s approval. A valid concern. But, I knew in my heart Edlong was and is my calling and my passion.

At the same time, my children are my greatest accomplishment.

In later years, my mom would agree with me. She told me once, “you have lived my life and your fathers, all in one life.” She was in awe. She said the kids grounded me and kept me from becoming a workaholic. This statement was so true. They grounded me.

Once she gave me a necklace. She said “this is so ugly and I know you will never wear it. I am giving it to you for what it represents.” It was a heart with a crown on it. She said. “this is how I see you lead and live your life. From your head and from your heart.”

I cherish that necklace.

4.12 hugs a day, at a minimum.

Enough said. Grab them where you can. It’s a sound prescription.

5.Touch can make up for time.

My mom was a researcher. One time she was at my house, and I was feeling guilty about too much travel. That night, after the kids were in bed, she said, “you are constantly touching the boys. A ruffle of their hair, a snuggle to bed, holding a hand, or cozy moment on the couch.” I said, “yes, that feeds me.” She shared some research with me showing that a mother’s touch renews that connection more than anything. So…I touched more.