Fete Lifestyle Magazine May 2021 - Heroes Issue | Page 69

ave you ever

looked a Black

Man in his eyes? If

you look close, you can sense the weight from carrying the pain and oppression from the past 4 centuries. If you look deeper, you will see the hope that radiates pure love and light into future generations. Since 1619, the Black Man in America has been the target of hate under the divisive social construct of racism. The fallacy of white supremacy has stigmatized the color of Black skin and made Black Men feel less than human. Still, Black Men have retained their dignity and respect. Black Men are my Heroes because of their superpower to harness courage, strength and perseverance.

The stories of Black Men tell the journey of overcoming against all odds and making a way purely by the power of will and the strength of faith. Black Men have been excluded from access to education, access to wealth, access to safe neighborhoods, and access to basic needs.


Photo Credit Anas Alhajj