I had to be alone to learn that I don’t want to be controlled in any way.
I want to be free to be me and be heard, let me find my voice for awhile.
I learned I am free to take up as much space as I want.
Free to speak my mind with love anytime I want.
Free to control my own environment as much as I want.
Free to feel. Free to be. Free to choose.
Shortly after that second breakup, I discovered the 1980’s classic book, Co-Dependent No More, and read it cover to cover. I found out that when we grow up in trauma, as many of us do, we don’t get the chance to fully establish our own connection with our SELF.
For me and many people, it was always about something outside of myself. It was always about taking care of others, checking on their needs - even their survival - and my own inner status was not really on the table.
I learned to forgive myself for the mistakes I made in my life and do the best I can from here.
Mostly I learned to trust myself. Learned to trust the voice in my head and the voice in my heart and proceed with my life without others’ approval or permission. This is perhaps the greatest piece. Learn to really trust yourself and you can be your own hero.
The Dream came to tell me that putting myself in a supporting role is not enough for my soul any longer. That I must prioritize my own needs, my own worth, my own contribution,
my own voice, my own desires.
Anything less than claiming my own LIFE will lead to death of the soul… and the Queen will simply not allow it. Sovereignty.
From this place of radical self-care, self-love, and Women Rising, I created Yellow Heart Sisters. I invite you to check it out!
Photo Credit Mohamed Nohassi